Well as quickly as Chase's 1 year birthday came and went my head is totally spinning! An entire year flew by in less time than I can complete a single blink. Everyone uses that term, and I used to get kind of annoyed hearing it all the time, but truth be told there is really no better explanation of how fast time flies. It seems to speed up with each child that enters our lives, so if we really do end up going for number 3 I am going to have to rent the Dalorian from back to the future so that I can go back in time and try and slow things down or at the very least revisit all of my favorite moments that went by way too fast! Cuz' ya know "time flies when you're having fun."
Any who only a week has passed since baby bears birthday and it is already time for little Bear's big number 5! Wow, it stings to say "I have a 5 year old," talk about bitter sweet. Cole is fun, loving, a brilliant creative story teller, a complete outdoors man, a snuggle bear, a little man completely adoring of the grown up men in his life, He is bold, yet admiring, he has a short fuse like Mama, but that boyish grin of Daddy's still melts my heart. He can make my day, and he can break me but each day I get with him I see the world in a different light. Cole Tristin Schumacher...Your Mommy loves you to the Moon and Back and forever will I see you as my baby. Thank you for being you Little Bear. And thank you Lord for the great honor and privilege of being Cole's Mother, I could not ever ask for a greater blessing.
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